Authors wishing to submit manuscripts
to The International Journal of Urban
Labour and Leisure should adhere to the following guidelines. Please note that
all correspondence and submissions to The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure should be conducted via e-mail.
- Should be sent as an e-mail attachment in
either Word for Windows (any version) or in Rich Text Format (RTF), with an e-mail
cover note. In special circumstances you may send your contribution on floppy disk in
either of the above formats, but you must contact the
editor prior
to dispatch.
- Submissions to :
Correspondence and general enquiries to :
Steve Jones
If You have any questions regarding the submission of your article, please contact the
secretary E. Jones
Format and referencing
- Manuscripts must be in English, typewritten in double
spacing, following the style guidelines below.
Main articles should be at least 5,000 words, with student articles and commentaries at
least 2,500 words. However, the nature of this medium means The
International Journal of Urban Labour
and Leisure is not limited to maximum word lmits.
A bibliography should appear at the end of the manuscript.
Tables and figures (colour figures are welcome) should be clearly labelled and at least A4
size in the original document. Symbols and abbreviations in tables should be defined
immediately below the table. Tables should each be presented on a separate page in the
The text should be structured by the inclusion of short subheadings, which should be as
informative as possible and should indicate the paper's logical flow, avoiding numerical
values abbreviations and punctuation.
Manuscripts should be preceded by an abstract of between 75-125 words.
References should be cited as follows:
Articles: Author A, Author B (Year of
Publication) Title of Article. Name of Journal, Issue:Page - Page.
- E.G.: Redmayne, M. (1998) 'The DNA Database : Civil
Liberty and Evidentiary Issues', Criminal Law Review, 14(1):437-454
Books: Author A, Author B (Year of
Publication) Title. Publisher : City.
- E.G.: Ballinero, C.,
Wilk, R., Stoeltje, B. (eds.)
(1995) Beauty Queens on the Global Stage : Gender, Contests and Power. London :
- Web Sources: Author A, Author B (Year of
Publication) Article Title, Title of Web Site, Issue/Volume Number, Web address.
- E.g.: D. James (1999) 'Getting to Grips With the
Web', The Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure,
Footnotes should be placed at the end of the manuscript before the
Acknowledgements must be brief and appear after the reference list
Articles should contain a statement at the end of the text: "Correspondence and
requests for materials to xxxxx", with an e-mail address.
Authors should also provide a brief biography
that will be placed at the end of the article. This may include a hyperlink email address
and a snail-mail address (optional).
Any article appearing in these sections of the journal will be fully refereed.
Cover sheet
- The first page of the manuscript should contain the
full title of the manuscript, name(s) of the author(s), institutional
affiliation(s), date
of submission, up to six keywords for indexing (important if you wish your article to be
found through search engines) and the conventional and email address of the author
responsible for correspondence (neither will be made available to the public unless
specified by the author).
Title page
- The title page should omit the
institutiuonal affiliation(s), address and email of the author(s), and therefore should
only include the title and date of submission.
Student Submissions
- All student submissions should be co-authored by a
supervisor; e-mail address and contact details of all authors should appear on submission.
Preparing Articles for Submission to The
International Journal
of Urban Labour and Leisure
Authors should note that
The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure only publishes refereed articles.
Articles submitted should conform to The
International Journal of
Urban Labour and Leisure house style.
As is normal with the internet, the format of the
journal will evolve over time given the nature of the quality and innovation of
submissions. Nevertheless, an issue will normally consist of
- full-length articles,
- shorter commentaries,
- call for papers, conference announcements and hosted email discussions.
If you wish to submit an article,
The International Journal
of Urban Labour and Leisure expects authors to abide by the British Sociological
Association Guidelines on Language Use with regard to gender, 'race' and disability. If
you are unsure of how this will affect your submission follow this link to the BSA hompages.
The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure
encourages innovative authors to make full use of the electronic media the journal
publishes in. This includes images, web sites of further interest, any visual material
(including Java).
The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure publishes
articles which haven't been published elsewhere yet. Articles are reports of original
- They report novel conclusions of broad social
scientific interest.
On acceptance of an article for publication,
The International Journal of Urban Labour and Leisure will ask the author to read and accept the copyright notice to protect the both parties.
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